Intenze Japaneze Dark Grey Sumi Ink 12oz

Sale price$86.00 AUD Ex GST
SKU: 163-12
OOS Out of Stock

Japanese Tattoo Ink - In wash paintings, as in calligraphy, artists usually grind their own ink stick (Japanese: sumi) over an ink stone to obtain ink, but prepared inks are also available. Most ink sticks are made of either pine soot or oil soot combined with animal glue (Japanese: nikawa). An artist puts a few drops of water on an ink stone and grinds the ink stick in a circular motion until a smooth, grey ink of the desired concentration is made. Prepared inks are usually of much lower quality. Sumi themselves are sometimes ornately decorated with landscapes or flowers in bas-relief and some are highlighted with gold.

Intenze used this historical aspect to create the best tattoo pigments to achieve those effects on skin.

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Product specification

Conventional Liner: As our most popular machine style this tool is meant to be used as an everyday ''workhorse'' style of machine for all around tattooing. This machine will typically be used for tight 3rls-14rls.


Introducing the newly designed Intenze, the latest coil machine design from Intenze!

Guillotine Vise mechanism

An all new Intenzemechanism with 5 point clamping provides a secure grip on all standard metal and disposable tubes.

Product Feature

The inlaid steel rear yoke provides increased connection and multiple positioning options for ultimate contact with clip cords.