EZ Defender Adjustable Cartridge Grip 25mm

Sale price$60.00 AUD Ex GST
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Colour: Black

Set to redefine the standard of precision tattooing - the new D Click adjustment system grips. The Defender grip is powered by the D Click adjustment system for more consistent and accurate needle positioning.
The grip is designed with an internal regulator on its underside to prevent the accidental shifting of the needle during adjustment. Calibrate the grips to your ideal setting and it will ensure the needle position — and accuracy — remains consistent.
The groove crafted into the steel tube allows for the grip to be securely locked to the machine.
Fully autoclavable - you can autoclave your grip with the temperature not exceeding 125°C at 100 kPa above atmospheric pressure for 15 minutes.


  • Diameter: 25mm
  • Weight: 60g
  • Includes 2 drive bars
  • Compatible with most standard cartridge needles
  • Available in black, red, grey, silver, orange and camo.
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Product specification

Conventional Liner: As our most popular machine style this tool is meant to be used as an everyday ''workhorse'' style of machine for all around tattooing. This machine will typically be used for tight 3rls-14rls.


Introducing the newly designed EZ, the latest coil machine design from EZ!

Guillotine Vise mechanism

An all new EZmechanism with 5 point clamping provides a secure grip on all standard metal and disposable tubes.

Product Feature

The inlaid steel rear yoke provides increased connection and multiple positioning options for ultimate contact with clip cords.