Perma Blend Evenflo Corrector Set (No Box)

Sale price$150.00 AUD Ex GST
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Perfectly formulated for dark tone lips with natural healed results!

Lulu Siciliano and Perma Blend have developed this exclusive PMU lip colour correction set to provide artists the ability to achieve incredible results with lips that have dark tones. This "two-step process" will provide beautiful and natural lips.

Neutralizer- A bright orange with a warm undertone.

Suggested Use: A warm orange colour specifically formulated for the correction of light to medium dark lips with a pinkish and bluish hues. This colour can be used straight or mix 1:1 with target colour.

Lulu's Favourite Mix: Bare+ Malina+ Neutralizer or Bare, Neutralizer and a drop of Colorizer. In some cases you may repeat this step every 8 weeks.

Illume- A golden yellow, opaque colour with a warm undertone.

Suggested Use: A rich opaque golden yellow colour specifically formulated for the correction of lips with deep dark purplish hues. This colour can be used straight or mixed 1:1 with target colour.

Lulu's Tip: Can be used as a first layer, prior a target or mixed with another colour.

Mix with a Neutralizer for a blue-purple dark lips.

Colorizer- A bright red with a cool undertone

Suggested Use: The Colorizer can be mixed with your favorite colours to achieve pinkish healed results.

Lulu's favourite mix: Bare Malina + Colorizer.

Best Practice: Before tattooing and correcting dark lips, we recommend that you ask your client how their body reacts to wounds so they can avoid undesired results.

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Product specification

Conventional Liner: As our most popular machine style this tool is meant to be used as an everyday ''workhorse'' style of machine for all around tattooing. This machine will typically be used for tight 3rls-14rls.


Introducing the newly designed Evenflo, the latest coil machine design from Perma Blend!

Guillotine Vise mechanism

An all new Evenflomechanism with 5 point clamping provides a secure grip on all standard metal and disposable tubes.

Product Feature

The inlaid steel rear yoke provides increased connection and multiple positioning options for ultimate contact with clip cords.